Tennis is a game that challenges its players on a physical
and cerebral level. It takes a whole lot of knowledge and practice to become a
skilled player. One of the great things about this sport is the aspect of
competition and always improving your game.
There are a number of tips which come in handy when it comes
to improving your game and they provide an easy way to get set to enjoy abetter game of tennis all the way around. One element of stepping up and
developing this perfect game of tennis is to prepare early for returns. By
turning hips and shoulders before an oncoming ball bounces on your side, you
can control the positional aspects and prepare for a proper return. Another
critical tip is to exaggerate the follow through. This simple tip can help most
people because commitment is a big part of an efficient tennis game. Another
thing that many players do is hitting the ball and admiring what they have done
way too much. It is important to put a hit on the ball and to instantly react
and recover. At the highest levels of the sport, you will notice that upon a
return, in the middle of the hit, the best players are already recovering their
The goal of any tennis player is to reach the maximum
potential that they have within themselves and perfect those abilities and
skills towards that potential. Players are always addressing weaknesses and
developing strength. George Landegger is a devoted follower of tennis and has
played the game all of his life. He is always looking for advice and assisting
others with their game.