There’s nothing like recognition to feed the altruistic souls of those who contribute in significant fashion to community service. People who contribute greatly by donating their resources, time and talent to help strengthen communities throughout the world deserve recognition of some kind. Without them, many people would suffer. The idea of awarding these types of efforts is to recognize citizens for their commitment to ongoing and periodic volunteer services as well as civic engagement and overall encouragement. Throughout a service journey, families, groups and individuals should bear witness to the positive community impact that they have produced.
In addition to individuals, teams and programs are also part
of this community service recognition program. These programs and people are
dedicated to helping fix things in a very tangible way and address the issues
which affect their communities and our nation through the type of service which
is focused on solutions. Long time forest products industry veteran and known
philanthropist George Landegger has been quite involved in awarding individuals
in the community as well as having received nominations and awards for the work
he has done on behalf of others. His philanthropy is second to none and he has
truly developed a history of social impact and change which ideally will
inspire others to give of themselves in many ways that they previously may not
have thought was possible. He has been nominated for and has won countless
awards including the man of the year on behalf of Immaculate High School. He
has also been recognized by individuals throughout the state of Alabama as one
of the 12 greatest contributors in the history of the state.